What is Money?

August 21, 2016Life Lessons

Money exists in a few dimensions as an agreed upon means of exchange which can be shells, goats, coins and paper bills. A culture or an individual assigns value to each item or service. Most people believe that money as a resource is scarse. But that is not true, which means that money also has … Read More

Meditation to help Connect to Source

August 10, 2016Life Lessons

This is a short guided 5.5 minute audio meditation to help you ground and connect to Source. It’s always good to ground yourself before doing healing work, meditation or channeling. Feel free to download it to your computer or mp3 player. Hope this is helpful!Meditation for connecting to Source

Message for Perfectionists

July 26, 2016Life Lessons

BeliefAs a perfectionist you seek perfection around you – in people, in you partner, everywhere. Lack of perfection throws you off and you feel out of control. Without perfection life doesn’t make sense. It is perfection itself that keeps life organized, meaningful. Without perfection there would just be chaos. Without utter perfection all would be … Read More

What Is My Path?

July 25, 2016Life Lessons

This channeling was done for a client who was at a crossroads in her life. She wanted to make a difference in the world, but was unsure as to what direction she should pursue. She’s like many of us who see that the only way to self fulfillment is to serve. The answers provided are … Read More